ERP System
- In Abivin vRoute, we have set up an API to enable our partners to connect to other Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or Distributor Management System (DMS) systems and fetch the customer and orders data into Abivin vRoute database
Activate ERP configuration
- To get data from external ERP system using the API, please follow the steps below:
- Log in with the top administrator account
- Navigate to Organizations > Organization List tab
- Click on Edit icon of the top organization - The Manufacturer

- On the Organization Information screen, click on the ERP check box to activate the ERP API
- Click Save to confirm the change

The ERP configuration is proprietary for only one of our clients
Pull customer list data
- Navigate to Partners > Customer List tab
- You will notice there's a new button on the toolbar. That's the Sync from ERP button

- Click on that button, the Sync from ERP form will appear
- Click on the Branch field and select the Branch to which you want to pull the customer data
- Next, input the IP/Domain address, the Username, Password of the ERP system into IP/Domain, Username and Password fields
- Next, click on the ERP/DMS Date field to select the date when you want to pull the customer data
- The Check warehouse code (parent_ID) check box is optional. If you enable it, the system will compare the parent_ID field of the customer data on ERP system against the available customer data on Abivin vRoute and will announce if there are unmatched parent IDs. If you don't enable it, the pulling process will always complete without checking the data accuracy
- Finally, click on Pull to start pulling customer data from the ERP system into Abivin vRoute

Pull orders
- Navigate to Orders > Sales Order tab
- Similarly to Partners > Customer List tab, you will notice there's a new button on the toolbar to sync order data from the ERP system

- Click on that button, the Sync from ERP form will appear
- Click on the Branch field and select the Branch for which you want to pull the order data
- Next, input the IP/Domain address, the Username, Password of the ERP system into IP/Domain, Username and Password fields
- Next, you have two options: Pull failed orders - Orders that have been pulled to Abivin vRoute from previous days, but were failed to deliver, or Pull new orders - Orders that have just been recently created on ERP system and have not been pulled to Abivin vRoute

Pull failed orders from previous days
- If you want to pull failed orders, first click on Get Failed Orders Date field, select a previous date from the drop down calendar. Next, click on Delivery Date (vRoute) field, select a new date to redeliver those orders. Then click on Get Failed Order button to start retrieving the failed orders
- Abivin vRoute will scan the orders delivered on the selected previous date, and retrieve orders that were failed to deliver on that date, and plan to the selected new date
- You can gather failed to deliver orders from multiple previous days

Pull new orders
- If you want to pull new orders, first click on ERP/DMS Date field, select the date when the orders were created on the ERP system from the drop down calendar. Next, click on Delivery Date (vRoute) field, select a date to delivery those orders. Then click on Pull button to start pulling the new orders
- Abivin vRoute will pull orders from the ERP system and plan to the selected delivery date

Updated over 5 years ago