
To maintain the system performance, we currently restrict the date range to export reports to no more than 1 month

Compulsory Configurations

  • You need to enable the Reports configurations at both the Manufacturer and the Branch
  • You need to enable the module Report for the User group. Refer to this article: Manage Users

Locate Report tab

  • Navigate to Reports > Report tab

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Illustration (Vietnamese)

  • This tab is where you can generate and export reports

General steps to generate and export report

  • To generate and export the Reports, please follow the steps
  • Step 1: Click on Report Type field, select this report from the drop-down menu

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Illustration (Vietnamese)

  • Step 2: Select the date range: Click on the field below the text Date Range, select the appropriate date range from the drop-down calendars, then click on Apply to confirm selecting the date range. Alternatively, you could input the date range directly into the field in the following format: yyyy-mm-dd:yyyy-mm-dd (Year-Month-Date:Year-Month-Date)

Illustration (English)


Illustration (Vietnamese)

  • If your selected date range exceeds 31 days, there will be an error message as below. In this case, please select another date range.

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Illustration (Vietnamese)

  • Note: If the language for display is a language other than Vietnamese (for example, English, Indonesian, Japanese...), the default language of reports is English.

  • Step 3: Select whether there will be a header in the Report or not

  • By default, you will see a toggle button named Exclude Report Header. When you leave this button off, there will not be a header of the report name and the date range

  • If you want to add the report name and the date range to the report, click on that switch button. When the button changes to , the text will change to Include Report Header, which means in the report there will be a header of the report name and the date range, as in screenshots below


Illustration (English)


Illustration (Vietnamese)

  • Step 4: Download the report:
  • Click on the button Download . The system will immediately start gathering data based on your filters, and will generate a downloadable Excel template shortly

Illustration (English)


Illustration (Vietnamese)

ST15 - Products and Tasks by PDP Orders

  • Below is the list of all information fields in the report
Information fieldDescriptionData typeUnitPossible ValuesExample
No.Numerical orderNumber__1
Order CodeCode of the orderText & Number__SO-190829-0001
Order DateThe date when the order was deliveredDate
Format: Year-Month-Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Driver NameName of the driver who delivered the orderText__John Doe
Truck Plate No.Plate numbers of the truck used to deliver the orderText & Number__31K3-5152
Truck TypeType of the truck used to deliver the orderText & Number__Twelve wheels truck
Origin Customer NameName of the origin customer, from where the products were picked upText__John Doe company
Origin Customer AddressAddress of the origin customer, from where the products were picked upText & Number__1st road, valley A, city B, country C
Destination Customer NameName of the destination customer, to where the products were deliveredText__John Doe company
Destination Customer AddressAddress of the destination customer, to where the products were deliveredText & Number__1st road, valley A, city B, country C
SKUThe product loaded in the orderText & Number
Format: (Product Code) Product Name
__(Product_A_Code) Product A Name
QuantityQuantity of the product loaded in the orderNumber__100
Quantity TypeUnit type of the product loaded in the orderText_Pallet; Case; Item etc.Pallet
Check ByName of the personnel who checked the orderText__John Doe
Fulfillment StatusDelivery result of the order at the time the report was generatedText_Fulfilled; Partially fulfilled; Not Yet Fulfillment; UnfulfilledFulfilled
Distance Difference (m)The distance that the driver actually traveled from the Origin Customer to the Destination CustomerNumber (Decimal)m (Meter)_90000.4
Trip HoursThe time duration during which the order was performedTime
Format: Hour:Minute:Second (hh:mm:ss)
Arrival check-in Date/TimeThe specific Date and Time when the driver arrived at the Destination Customer locationDate/Time
Format: Year-Month-Date Hour:Minute:Second (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
__2019-05-08 09:06:06
Unloading start check-in Date/TimeThe specific Date and Time the Unloading task started at the Destination Customer locationDate/Time
(yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)

(Year-Month-Date Hour:Minute:Second)
__2019-05-08 09:06:06
Signature StatusThe status of the customer signing digitally upon receiving the productsText_Signed; Not YetSigned
Signature Sign-on dateThe date on which the customer digitally signed upon receiving the productsDate
Format: Year-Month-Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Email Sending StatusThe status of sending email enclosed with the Proof of DeliveryText_Not yet; SentSent

ST21 - Orders By Drivers

  • Below is the list of all information fields in the report
Information fieldDescriptionData TypeUnitPossible ValuesExample
No.Numerical order of the driverNumber--1
Driver CodeManagement code of the driverText, Number, Special characters--Driver01
Driver NameName of the driverText, Number, Special characters--Bui Anh Tuan
Vehicle TypeThe vehicle type operated by the driverText, Number, Special characters--vehicle_type_1
Number Of OrdersNumber of sales orders delivered by the driverNumber--4
Total Order Weight (kg)Total weight of all Orders delivered by the driver during the selected date rangeNumberKilogram (kg)-5.5
Total Order Volume (m3)Total volume of all Orders delivered by the driver during the selected date rangeNumberCubic metre (m3)-5.5
Planned RevenueThe projected revenue of all Orders planned to be delivered by the driver during the selected date rangeNumberCurrency unit
(Based on the Currency configuration at the Manufacturer)
Planned CostThe projected cost of all Delivery Routes planned to be performed by the driver during the selected date rangeNumberCurrency unit
(Based on the Currency configuration at the Manufacturer)
Planned Distance (km)The projected distance of all Delivery Routes planned to be performed by the driver during the selected date rangeNumberKilomet (km)-5.5
Planned Time (hours)The projected time period to perform all Delivery Routes assigned to the driver during the selected date rangeNumberHour (h)-5.5
Actual RevenueThe actual revenue received by the driver during the selected date rangeNumberCurrency unit
(Based on the Currency configuration at the Manufacturer)
Actual CostThe actual cost of all Delivery Routes performed by the driver during the selected date rangeNumberCurrency unit
(Based on the Currency configuration at the Manufacturer)
Actual Distance (km)The actual distance of all Delivery Routes performed by the driver during the selected date rangeNumberKilomet (km)-42.3
Actual Time (hours)The actual delivery time period of the driver during the selected date range
This time period is calculated by subtracting the Check-in time of the first task from the Check-out time of the last task on the Mobile app during the selected date range
NumberHour (h)-4.4
VFR By Weight (%)The avarage vehicle fill rate (By weight) of all Delivery Routes actually performed by the vehicle during the selected date rangeNumberPercentage (%)-0
Fulfilled Orders (#)Number of Orders that were delivered and have the delivery result as "Completed" at the time the report is exportedNumber--4.3
Partially Fulfilled Orders (#)Number of Orders that were delivered and have the delivery result as "Partly Delivered" at the time the report is exportedNumber--4
Unfulfilled Orders (#)Number of Orders that were delivered and have the delivery result as "Not Completed" at the time the report is exportedNumber--4
Not Yet Fulfilled Orders (#)Number of Orders that have been put on optimized Delivery Routes, but were not yet delivered at the time the report is exportedNumber--4
Number of Off-200m Check-in (#)The number of when the driver submitted the Check-in task outside the 200 meter range from the Customer locationsNumber--4
  • Note:
  • At the moment, the VFR (By both weight and volume) of PDP Models hasn't been formulated yet, therefore the column VFR By Weight (%) will have no value
  • For this model, all Orders are considered to always be successfully delivered, therefore the two columns Partially Fulfilled Orders (#) and Unfulfilled Orders (#) will have no value

ST22 - PDP KPI Scoreboard

  • Below is the list of all information fields in the report
Information fieldDescriptionData typeUnitPossible ValuesExample
No.Numerical OrderNumber--1
Delivery DateThe date when the order was performedDate
Format: Year-Month-Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Truck Utilization (%)The ratio of the number of trucks used during the selected date range over the total number of all available trucksNumberpercentage (%)-9.09
Service Level (%)The ratio of the number of delivered orders over the number of planned orders of all driversNumberpercentage (%)-33.33
Driver Adoption (%)The ratio of the number of drivers who have used Abivin App over the total number of driversNumberpercentage (%)-9.09
Compliance Driver (%)The ratio of Executed Tasks over Planned tasks of all driversNumberpercentage (%)-42.86
Delivery GPS ComplianceThe ratio of the number of correctly submitted Check-in tasks (In the distance of 200 meters from the customer location) over the total Number of Check-in tasks submitted by all driversNumberpercentage (%)-52.7
Planned Distance (km)The total planned distance of all vehiclesNumberkilometer (km)-122.89
Actual Distance (km)The total actual distance traveled by all vehiclesNumberkilometer (km)-101.1
Kilometer Actual (Ratio)The ratio of Actual Distance over Planned Distance of all vehiclesNumberpercentage (%)-34.3

ST23 - PDP Orders by a single driver

Steps to Export the Report ST23

  • Step 1: Click on Report Type field, select this report from the drop-down menu

Illustration (English)


Illustration (Vietnamese)

  • Step 2: Click on Date Range field, select the suitable date range from the drop down calendars

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Illustration (Vietnamese)

  • Step 3: Next, click on Select drivers field, select the driver for whom you want to export report from the drop-down menu. You can select multiple drivers at once

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Illustration (Vietnamese)

  • If you want to export report for all drivers, click on Choose All Drivers check box

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Illustration (Vietnamese)

  • Step 4: Finally, click on Download button. The system will immediately gather data and export the report into a downloadable Excel template after a short moment
  • (Optional) If you want to include a header in the Excel template, you can click on the toggle button Exclude Report Header . When that button changes to Include Report Header , in the Excel template there will be a header

Illustration (English)


Illustration (Vietnamese)

Report ST23 - Information fields

  • Below is the list of all information fields in the report
Information fieldDescriptionData typeUnitPossible valuesExamples
No.Numerical orderNumber__1
Order DateThe date when the order was performedDate
Format: Year-Month-Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Driver CodeCode of the driver who delivered the orderText & Number__Driver_01
Driver NameName of the driver who delivered the orderText__John Doe
Customer CodeCode of the customer who placed the orderText & Number__Customer_01
Customer NameName of the customer who placed the orderText & Number__John Doe
Customer AddressAddress of the customer who placed the orderText & Number__100 Doc Ngu, Hanoi, Vietnam
Order codeCode of the orderText & Number__SO_001
Order statusExecution status of the order at the time the report was generatedText_Open; ShippedOpen
Planned Total revenueTotal revenue of the order as plannedNumberCurrency unit (VND; MMK; Rp etc.)_10000000
Actual Total RevenueTotal Revenue of the order as actually performedNumberCurrency unit (VND; MMK; Rp etc.)_8000000
Fulfillment StatusDelivery result of the order at the time the report was generatedText_Fulfilled; Partially fulfilled; Not Yet Fulfillment; UnfulfilledNot Yet Fulfillment
Order Unfulfilled ReasonReason the order was not delivered successfullyText__Customer has closed
Customer LatLatitude of the customer locationNumber__21.044640
Customer LongLongitude of the customer locationNumber__105.813726
Checkin LatLatitude of the location where the driver submitted the check in taskNumber__21.044640
Check-in LongLongitude of the location where the driver submitted the check in taskNumber__105.813726
Distance Difference (m)The distance between the location where the driver submitted the 'Check in' task and the actual customer locationNumberm (meter)_20
Task NameThe most recent task on Mobile app of the driver at the time the report was exportedText & Number__4. John Doe
Signature StatusSpecify whether the customer has signed digitally upon receiving the products or notText_Not yet; SignedSigned
Email Sending StatusSpecify whether the Delivery Note email enclosed with the Proof of Delivery has been sent to the customer or notText_Not yet; SentSent