Are the shift codes duplicated?

Are the shift codes duplicated?

Case: Customers may see the shift codes/ tripcodes from different vehicles belonging to different branches have the exact digits.


The XEKHO009 vehicle belongs to the "Chi Nhánh 3" Branch has the shift code: SHIFT-210203-0003 on the 04 February 2021 route plan.


The XEKHO001 vehicle belongs to the "Chi Nhánh 1" Branch has the shift code: SHIFT-210203-0003 on the 04 February 2021 route plan.

Reason: The format of the Shift/Trip code on the platform is: SHIFT-YYMMDD-{counter}


For example: SHIFT-220104-0001 means the shift is the first shift of the vehicle, planned on 04 January 2022.
The system by default allows Shift codes of vehicles from different branches can have the same digits.