Cold Chain
Activate Cold Chain configuration
- Navigate to Organizations > Organization List tab
- Click on Edit icon of the Branch which you want to activate the Cold Chain configuration
- On the Update Organization form, navigate to the sub-tab More configuration > Algorithm, then tick the Use Cold Chain checkbox
- Click Save to confirm the change
Configure Temperature level for Products
- In Abivin vRoute, the Products can be classified into three following temperature levels:
- Ambient: Represented by the color Orange on the Timeline panel
- Chilled: Represented by the color Green on the Timeline panel
- Frozen: Represented by the color Blue on the Timeline panel
Update Temperature level for existing products
- If you haven't classified the temperature levels for the existing products correctly, you would have to do so by following these steps:
- Navigate to Products > Products tab
- Click on Edit icon of each product
- On the Update Product form, click on the Temperature field, then choose the appropriate temperature level for that product from the drop down menu
- Click Update to confirm the change
Update Temperature level for new products
- For new products that have not been uploaded to the system, you can classify the temperature level for each product on both Web form and Excel template during the creation process
- The input rules are as below:
Input rules on Web form
- Click on the field then choose the appropriate Temperature level from the drop down menu
Input rules on Excel template
- Type either F, A or C into this cell. These letters represent Frozen, Ambient and Chilled respectively
NOTE: One product can only have one Temperature level!
Configure Temperature levels for Vehicles
- Next, we would have to configure the vehicles so that they can support specific temperature levels
- A vehicle can support the products of the above three temperature levels and thus can have up to three temperature zones in its container. Each temperature zone is specially designed to carry products of one specific temperature level
- In case a vehicle doesn't have enough built-in temperature zones in its container for all the temperature levels it supports, products the temperature levels that account for the lowest volume of the total volume will be stored in portable temperature boxes
Configure existing vehicles
- Navigate to Transportation > Vehicle List tab
- Click on Edit icon of the vehicles you want to configure
- On the Update Vehicle form, input the Temperature levels supported by the vehicles at the Temperature field by clicking on the field and click on the corresponding values in the drop down menu. Next, input the number of Temperature zones available in the vehicle container by inputting the value 1, 2 or 3 into the Temp Zone field
Configure new vehicles
- For new vehicles that have not been uploaded to the system, you can specify the temperature levels and temperature zones of each vehicle on both Web form and Excel template during the creation process
- The input rules are as below:
Input rules on Web form
- Follow the instruction described above for existing vehicle
Input rules on Excel template
Input rules for Temperature levels
- If the vehicle being created supports products of Frozen temperature level, input the following value into the cell: F
- If the vehicle being created supports products of Ambient temperature level, input the following value into the cell: A
- If the vehicle being created supports products of Chilled temperature level, input the following value into the cell: C
- If the vehicle being created supports products of Frozen and Ambient temperature levels, input the following value into the cell: FA
- If the vehicle being created supports products of Frozen and Chilled temperature levels, input the following value into the cell: FC
- If the vehicle being created supports products of Frozen, Ambient and Chilled temperature levels, input the following value into the cell: FAC
Input rules for Temperature zones
- Type the number of temperature zones available in the vehicle being created in the cell
The values above are case sensitive. You must write these exact values in the Excel template
Create orders and Optimize routes
- After you have configured the products and vehicles, you can proceed to create orders and optimize routes like usual
Temperature zones reservation rules
- The available temperature zones will be used to store products of the the temperature levels that account for more percentage of the total volume of all products being delivered
- Other temperature levels not stored in the temperature zones will be stored in the temperature boxes. In Abivin vRoute, the temperature box is represented by this icon on the Timeline panel:
- For example, in the screenshot below, the vehicle supports all three temperature levels, but only has one temperature zone in its container. This only temperature zone is used to store products of Chilled temperature level because these products account for the largest percentage of the total volume. The products of Ambient and Frozen temperature levels will thus be stored in two temperature boxes
Volume limit rules
- During the route optimization process, the system will calculate the volume of products in each temperature level and compare with the volume capacity of the vehicle, using a set of Volume limit rules. Below are the specific rules:
For products stored in temperature zones
- The total volume of temperature zones used to store Chilled and Frozen products must never exceed 75% the volume capacity of the vehicle
For products stored in temperature boxes
- The volume of one temperature box must never exceed 25% the volume capacity of the vehicle. This rule applies to all three temperature levels
- The volume of Chilled and Frozen products must never exceed 75% the volume of the temperature boxes that store them. Combine with the 25% rule above, if the Chilled and/or Frozen products are put into temperature boxes, their volume must not exceed 18.75% the volume capacity of the vehicle. If you run into this situation, you need to increase the number of temperature zones in the vehicle's container
- If any of the above rules is violated, the route optimization process would not be able to run
Updated almost 4 years ago