Manage Customers

  • In this model, the term Customer refers to the locations where the Vehicles will travel to and either pick up Products (Defined as the Origin Customer) or drop off Products (Defined as the Destination Customer)

Locate Customer List

  • The Customers are listed on the Partners > Customers tab

Illustration (English)


Illustration (Vietnamese)

Create Customers

  • You have two methods to create the Customers: Webform and Excel import file

Customer Information Fields

  • Below are the information fields of the Customer in this model


Apart from the information fields mentioned below, other information fields can be left blank

  • On Web form, the information of a customer is present on four tabs:
Tab titleTab description
Main SettingBasic information of the customer
Email SettingInformation in this tab is used for the Electronic Proof of Delivery (e-POD) feature
Read more about this configuration at the following article: Electronic Proof of Delivery (e-POD)
Ship-to ProfileInformation of the customer for different manufacturing warehouses
Sales AreaExtensive sales information of the customer

Illustration (English)


Illustration (Vietnamese)

Main Setting

Information fieldDescription & Input
Organization (Webform); Organization Code (Excel import file)
1. Description:
The Depot which directly manages the Customer being created
2. Input rules:
Click on this field. Input the Organization Name/Organization Code of the appropriate Depot into the search bar then select it from the drop-down menu
Excel import file:
Copy the Organization Code of the appropriate Depot on the Web app then paste it into this cell
The Organization Name and Organization Code can be found under the columns of the same name on the "Organizations > Organizations" tab
Customer Code (Webform); Partner Code (Excel import file)
1. Description:
The management code assigned to the Customer being created
2. Input rules:
Format: Can input letters, numbers, special characters (including spaces)
One Customer Code can exist in the Customer base of multiple Depots/Suns/Crossdocks
Mobile Number (Webform); Phone Number (Excel import file)
1. Description:
The mobile number of the Customer being created
This mobile number will appear on the Mobile app of the Drivers/Salesmen. They will use this mobile number to contact the Customer
2. Input rules:
Format: Numbers
Must not contain spaces
(Webform + Excel import file)
1. Description:
The title of the Customer being created to help you identify their gender
2. Input rules:
Web form
Format: Free-form
Full Name
(Webform + Excel import file)
1. Description:
Full name of the Customer being created
2. Input rules:
Format: Free-form
Time window
(Webform + Excel import file)
1. Description:
The time period during which the Customer being created will receive deliveries
Read more about this configuration in the following article: Hard Time Window Constraint
2. Input rules:
Format: HH:mm-HH:mm (Hour:Minute-Hour:Minute; 24 hour format)
Input only the value in numbers. Do not input the unit
For example: The customer will only receive products from 5:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Input the following value into this field/cell: 06:00-13:00
If the Customer being created doesn't have a time window to receive products, leave this field blank
Original Address (Webform); Street Address (Excel import file)
1. Description:
The specific address of the Customer being created
This address will show up on the Mobile app of the Drivers/Salesmen
2. Input rules:
Format: Free-form
For example: 100 Doc Ngu, Ba Dinh, Hanoi
Latitude; Longitude
(Webform + Excel import file)
1. Description:
The coordinate information of the Customer being created
2. Input rules:
Format: Decimal degrees, similar to Google map format
For example: 21.020123; 105.819509
Search Address
1. Description:
This field will help you automatically search for the address and the coordinate of the Customer being created using the Google Maps engine right within the Abivin vRoute Web app
2. Input rules:
Read about this function in the following section: Automatically search customer coordinates

Email Setting

Information fieldDescription & Input
(Web form + Excel template)
1. Description:
Email address of the main receiver from the customer being created, who will receive the Delivery note emails when orders are completed
2. Input rules:
Input the exact email into this field/cell
Note when using Excel template:
In the Excel template, before uploading, you must remove hyperlinks from all the email addresses
Read the following article for instruction: CRUD functions
(Web form)
1. Description:
Email address of the person/organization who will also receive copies of the emails sent to the main receiver, and is visible to other receivers
2. Input rules:
Same with Email field
(Web form)
1. Description:
Email address of the person/organization who will also receive copies of the emails sent to the main receiver, but is not visible to other receivers
2. Input rules:
Same with Email field

Ship-to Profile

  • In actual operation, a Customer can receive deliveries from different Depots. Each Depot is very likely to manage the same Customer with different identification information. This identification information is defined as Ship-to profile
  • Please refer to this article for more information Ship-to Profile

Sales Area

Information fieldDescription & Input
Sales Code
(Web form + Excel template)
1. Description:
The unique sales code of the customer being created

2. Input rules:
Format: Must not contain spaces
For example: "Sales code 01" is invalid; "Sales_code_01" is valid
(Web form + Excel template)
1. Description:
A unique Master Delivery Plan code assigned to the customer being created

2. Input rules:
Format: Can contain letters, numbers, special characters, and spaces
One Customer can have only one MDP code
Tax Code
(Web form)
1. Description:
Tax code of the customer being created

2. Input rules:
Format: Must not contain spaces
Invoice Address
(Web form)
1. Description:
The address to send invoices to the customer being created

2. Input rules:
Format: Free-form

Update Customer Information

Delete Customer

  • Please refer to this article for detailed instruction on deleting customer information Delete Customer

Export Customer List

  • Please refer to this article for detailed instruction on exporting Customer List Export Customer List

Search and Filter Customer

View Customer Location on Map

Retrieve Customer Address; Coordinates and Customer Group

Manually input Customer address & coordinates

Automatically retrieve Customer address & coordinate