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Below are the information fields of all the reports in Abivin vRoute system
ST01 - Total orders by all drivers
- This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information field | Description | Data type | Unit | For example |
Driver Code | Driver code | Text | _ | txvnm1 |
Driver Name | Driver name | Text | _ | Dinh Thai Son |
Vehicle Type | Vehicle type | Text | _ | bike |
Re-delivered order | Order dropped by the previous day | Number | _ | 50 |
Net Re-delivered Revenue | Revenue of the order are re-delivered by the previous day. | Number | VND | 3000000 |
Number of Orders | Number of orders | Number | _ | 30 |
Net Revenue | Revenue delivered before promotion as planned | Number | VND | 100000 |
Total Order Weight(kg) | Total order weight | Number | kg | 300 |
Total Order Volume(m3) | Total order volume | Number | m3 | 10 |
Planned Revenue (đ) | Revenue of orders list as planned | Number | VND | 200000 |
Planned Cost (đ) | Cost delivered as planned | Number | VND | 12000 |
Planned Distance (km) | Distance delivered as planned | Number | km | 324 |
Planned Time (hours) | Time delivered as planned | Number | Hour | 3 |
Actual Revenue (đ) | Revenue of orders list as actual | Number | VND | 20000 |
Actual Cost (đ) | Cost delivered as actual | Number | VND | 10000 |
Actual Distance (km) | Distance delivered as actual | Number | km | 23 |
Actual start time | Start time of driver as actual | Date | _ | 13:00:00 |
Actual end time | End time of driver as actual | Date | _ | 17:00:00 |
Total Actual Time (hours) | Total actual time of the vehicle to deliver product. | Number | Hour | 2 |
VFR by volume (%) | Vehicle filling rate by volume | Number | % | 50 |
VFR by weight (%) | Vehicle filling rate by weight | Number | % | 30 |
Fulfilled Orders (#) | Fulfilled orders | Number | _ | |
Net revenue delivered | Revenue delivered before promotion as actual | Number | VND | |
Partically Fulfilled Orders (#) | Partically fulfilled orders | Number | _ | |
Unfulfilled Orders (#) | Number of order not successfully delivered | Number | _ | |
Not Yet Fulfilled Orders (#) | Number of order not yet fulfilled. | Number | _ | |
Number of off-200m check-in | The number of check-in is 200m from the store | Number | _ |
ST02 - KPI Scoreboard
Information field | Description | Data type | Unit | Possible Values | Example |
No. | Numerical Order | Number | - | - | 1 |
Delivery Date | Order delivery date | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) | - | - | 2019-10-03 |
VFR by Trips (%) | The average vehicle fill rate (by volume) of all trips | Number | percentage (%) | - | 32.59 |
Truck Utilization (%) | The ratio of the number of trucks used over the Total Vehicle of all trucks | Number | percentage (%) | - | 9.09 |
Service Level (%) | The ratio of the number of delivered orders over the number of planned orders of all drivers | Number | percentage (%) | - | 33.33 |
Driver Adoption (%) | The ratio of the number of drivers who have used Abivin App over the total number of drivers | Number | percentage (%) | - | 9.09 |
Compliance Driver (%) | The ratio of Executed Tasks over Planned tasks of all drivers | Number | percentage (%) | - | 42.86 |
Delivery GPS Compliance | The ratio of the number of correctly submitted Check-in tasks (In the distance of 200 meters from the customer location) over the total Number of Check-in tasks submitted by all drivers | Number | percentage (%) | - | 52.7 |
Planned Distance (km) | The total planned distance of all vehicles | Number | kilometer (km) | - | 122.89 |
Actual Distance (km) | The total actual distance traveled by all vehicles | Number | kilometer (km) | - | 101.1 |
Kilometer Actual (Ratio) | The ratio of Actual Distance over Planned Distance of all vehicles | Number | percentage (%) | - | 34.3 |
ST03 - Orders by a single drivers
- This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information field | Description | Data type | Unit | For example |
Order created Date | Order delivery date | Date | _ | 2018-12-20 |
Driver Code | Driver Code | Text | _ | dinhthaiha |
Driver Name | Driver Name | Text | _ | dinh thai son |
Customer Code | Customer Code | Text | _ | HBC-QN04 |
Customer Name | Customer Name | Text | _ | chị Hạnh |
Customer Address | Customer Address | Text | _ | doc ngu, ba dinh, ha noi |
Order code | Order code | Text | _ | DH021 |
Salesman Code | Code of salesperson | Text | _ | NV0014 |
Order status | Status of order | Text | _ | Open |
Planned Total revenue | Total revenue of the order as planned | Number | VND | 10000 |
Actual Total Revenue | Total Revenue of the order as actual | Number | VND | 10000 |
Fulfilled Status | Delivery status of the order | Text | _ | Fulfillment |
Unfulfilled Reason | Reason of the order is not delivered successfully | Text | _ | Huy don |
Total Service Cost | Total Service Cost | Number | VND | 10000 |
Customer Latitude | Latitude of customer | Number | Latitude | 16.948474747 |
Customer Longitude | Longitude of customer | Number | Longitude | 96.09383733 |
Check-in Latitude | Latitude of the user checking in location | Number | Latitude | 16.9948474 |
Check-in Long | longitude of the user checking in location | Number | Longitude | 96.98373366 |
Distance Difference (km) | The distance between the check in location and the store | Number | _ | 2 |
Planned Index | Order delivery according to plan. | Number | _ | 3 |
Actual Index | Order delivery according to actual | Number | _ | 5 |
ST04 - Routes by a single driver
- This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information field | Description | Data type | Unit | For example |
Driver code | Driver code | Text | _ | dinhthaison |
Driver name | Driver name | Text | _ | Dinh thai son |
Planned Distance | Distance to plan delivery | Number | km | 50 |
Actual Distance | Distance to actual delivery | Number | km | 50 |
Number of Orders | Number of Orders | Number | _ | 100 |
Fulfilled Orders | Delivery status of the order | Number | _ | 100 |
Perfect order rate | successful delivery rate | Number | % | 100 |
Total Order Weight | Total Order Weight | Number | kg | 30 |
Total Order Volume | Total Order Volume | Number | m3 | 1 |
Number of Off-200m | The number of check-in is 200m from the store | Number | _ | 10 |
VRF by volume | Vehicle filling rate by volume | Number | % | 50 |
VRF by weight | Vehicle filling rate by weight | Number | % | 70 |
ST05 - Inventory by products
- This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information field | Description | Data type | Unit | For example |
No. | Numerical order | Number | 1 | |
Organization Name | Organization Name | Text | QN-Kho habeco | |
Product Code | Product Code | Text | P001 | |
Product Name | Product Name | Text | Downy em be 20ml | |
Product Unit | Product Unit | Text | Chai | |
Inventory Begin | Number of product in warehouse of the first day in date range selects to export the report. | Number | 100 | |
Inventory Purchase | Total product in Purchase order(only purchase order whose status is put away) and warehouse card (+) | Number | 100 | |
Inventory Sale | Total product in Sales order(only sales order whose status is shipped) and warehouse card (-) | Number | 100 | |
Inventory End | Number of product in warehouse of the last day in date range selects to export the report. | Number | 100 |
ST06 - Orders and Products by a single driver
- This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information field | Description | Data Type | Unit | For example |
Delivery Date | Delivery order date | Date | 2018-03-16 | |
Due Date | Due date of delivery order | Date | 2018-03-16 | |
Order Code | Order Code | Text | O021 | |
Driver Code | Driver Code | Text | DH021 | |
Driver Name | Driver Name | Text | dinhthaison | |
Customer code | Customer code | Text | HBC_QN04 | |
Customer Name | Customer Name | Text | Le Hang | |
Product code | Product code | Text | P003 | |
Product name | Product name | Text | Downy hoa 20ml | |
Product weight | Product weight | Number | 1 | |
Product volume | Product volume | Number | 0.5 | |
Case price | Case price | Number | 10000 | |
Item price | Item price | Number | 100 | |
Planned items delivered | Items delivered as planned | Number | 12 | |
Actual items delivered | Items delivered as actual | Number | 12 | |
Planned cases delivered | Cases delivered as planned | Number | 100 | |
Actual cases delivered | Cases delivered as actual | Number | 50 | |
Order fulfillment status | Status of order | Text | Fulfillment |
ST07 - Customers and Orders by date and by a single driver
- This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information field | Description | Data Type | Unit | For example |
Customer code | Customer code | Text | _ | HBC_QN04 |
Customer name | Customer name | Text | _ | QN_Kho HBC |
Customer address | Customer address | Text | _ | Doc ngu, ba dinh, ha noi |
Organization code | Organization code of customer | Text | _ | kho001 |
Number of orders | Number of orders | Number | _ | 100 |
Total planned revenue | Total revenue of orders as planned. | Number | VND | 10000 |
Total actual revenue | Total revenue of orders as actual. | Number | VND | 10000 |
Total number of visits | Total number visits store of driver. | Number | _ | 10 |
ST08 - Trip utilization by vehicles
- This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information field | Description | Data type | Unit | For example |
Vehicle code | Vehicle code | Text | _ | 3Q-3682 |
License plate | License plate | Text | _ | 3Q-3682 |
Number of trip | Number of vehicle trip | Number | _ | 2 |
Vehicle weight capacity | Capacity of vehicle weight | Number | kg | 1000 |
Vehicle volume capacity | Capacity of vehicle volume | Number | m3 | 12 |
Planned total weight | Total weight of product in vehicle as planned | Number | kg | 100 |
Planned total volume | Total volume of product in vehicle as planned | Number | m3 | 1 |
Weight ultilization | Weight ultilization of vehilce( Weight ultilization = weight vehicle/weight of the order) | Number | % | 15 |
Volume ultilization | Volume ultilization of vehicle ( volume ultilization = volume vehicle/volume of the order) | Number | % | 20 |
ST09 - Total orders by all vehices
- This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information field | Description | Data type | Unit | For example |
Vehicle code | Vehicle code | Text | _ | 3Q-3682 |
License plate | License plate | Text | _ | 3Q-3682 |
Number of orders | Order number of vehicle | Number | _ | 2 |
Total order weight | Total order weight of vehicle | Number | kg | 1333 |
Total order volume | Total order volume of vehicle | Number | m3 | 12 |
Fulfilled orders | Total orders successfully delivered | Number | _ | 111 |
Partially fulfilled orders | Total orders are partially delivered | Number | _ | 1 |
Unfulfilled orders | Total orders are not delivered | Number | _ | 14 |
Not yet fulfilled orders | Total orders have not been delivered | Number | _ | 21 |
ST10 - Total routes by all vehicles
- This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information field | Description | Data type | Unit | For example |
Vehicle code | Vehicle code | Text | _ | 3Q-3682 |
License plate | License plate | Text | _ | 3Q-3682 |
Planned distance | Distance vehicle delivered as planned | Number | km | 2 |
Planned travelling time | Travelling time delivered as planned | Number | hours | 100 |
Actual distance | Distance vehicle delivered as actual | Number | km | 12 |
Actual travelling time | Travelling time delivered of vehicle | Number | hours | 111 |
Actual average speed (km/h) | Actual average speed = Actual distance / Actual travelling time | Number | km/h | 1 |
Number of Off-200m | The number of check-in is 200m from the store | Number | - | 12 |
VFR by trips | VFR by trips according to the weight or volume. | Number | % | 21 |
ST11 - Route by a single vehicle
- This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information field | Description | Data type | Unit | For example |
Date | Date delivered | Date | _ | 2018-20-2 |
Vehicle code | Vehicle code | Text | _ | 3Q-3682 |
License plate | License plate | Text | _ | 3Q-3682 |
Planned distance (km) | Distance vehicle delivered as planned | Number | _ | 133 |
Planned travelling time (hours) | Travelling time delivered as planned | Number | hours | 4 |
Actual distane (km) | Distance vehicle delivered as actual | Number | km | 16 |
Actual travelling time (hours) | Travelling time delivered of vehicle | Number | hours | 100 |
Actual average speed (km/h) | Actual average speed = Actual distance / Actual travelling time | Number | km/h | 20 |
Number of Off-200m | The number of check-in is 200m from the store | Number | _ | 12 |
VFR by Trips(%) | VFR by trips according to the weight or volume. | Number | % | 50 |
ST12 - Order status
- This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information field | Description | Data type | Unit | For example |
Customer code | Customer code | Text | _ | 1555 |
Customer name | Customer name | Text | _ | Nguyen van A |
Date | Date delivered | Date | _ | 2018-08-20 |
Vehicle code | Vehicle code | Text | _ | 3W-2847 |
Driver code | Driver code | Text | _ | mdriver003 |
Order weight | Order weight | Number | _ | 412 |
Order volume | Order volume | Number | _ | 2 |
Delivery status | Delivery status of the order | Text | _ | Fulfillment |
Delivery time window | Delivery time window of the order | Number | _ | 7:00-10:30 |
Actual delivery time | Actual delivery time of the order | Date time | _ | 2017-04-09 8:12:20 |
On Time(Yes/No) | Delivery time is on time or not | Text | _ | Yes |
ST13 - Balance sheet by single driver
- This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information field | Description | Data type | Unit | For example |
Order created date | Delivery order | Date | _ | |
Driver code | Driver code | Text | _ | |
Driver name | Driver name | Text | _ | |
Customer code | Customer code | Text | _ | |
Customer name | Customer name | Text | _ | |
Order code | Order code | Text | _ | |
Salesman Code | Salesman Code | Text | _ | |
Planned total revenue | Total revenue of the order as planned | Number | VND | |
Actual total revenue | Total Revenue of the order as actual | Number | VND | |
Fulfillment status | Delivery status of the order | Text | _ | |
Order unfulfilled reason | Reason of the order is not delivered successfully | Text | _ |
ST14 - Delivery Statistics
- This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information field | Description | Data type | Unit | Example |
No. | Numerical order | Number | _ | |
Salemans code | Salemans code | Text | _ | |
Order code | Order code | Text | _ | |
Planned total revenue | Total revenue of the order as planned | Number | VND | |
Customer code | Customer code | Text | _ | |
Customer name | Customer name | Text | _ | |
Driver code | Driver code | Text | _ | |
Driver name | Driver name | Text | _ |
ST15 - Products and Tasks by PDP Orders
- This report is designed specifically for orders of PDP model
Information field | Description | Data type | Unit | Possible Values | Example |
Order Code | Code of the order | String (SO-yymmdd-xxxx) | - | SO-190829-0001 | |
Order Date | Execution date of the order | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) | - | 2019-05-08 | |
Driver Name | Name of the driver | Text | - | John Doe | |
Truck Plate No. | License plate number of the delivery truck | String | - | 31K3-5152 | |
Truck Type | Type of the delivery truck | String | - | Twelve wheels truck | |
Origin Customer Name | Name of the Origin Customer | String | - | John Doe company | |
Origin Customer Address | Address of the Origin Customer | String | - | 1st road, valley A, city B, country C | |
Destination Customer Name | Name of the Destination Customer | String | - | John Doe company | |
Destination Customer Address | Address of the Destination Customer | String | - | 1st road, valley A, city B, country C | |
SKU | Specific name of the product in the order | String ((Product Code) Product Name) | - | (Product_A_Code) Product A Name | |
Quantity | Quantity of the products in the order | Number | - | 100 | |
Quantity Type | Specify the type of the product quantity in the order | String | - | Pallet; Case; Item | Pallet |
Check by | Name of the personnel who checked the order | String | - | John Doe | |
Fulfillment Status | Fulfillment Status of the order | Text | - | Fulfilled; Not Yet Fulfillment | Fulfilled |
Distance Difference (m) | Distance from the Origin Customer to the Destination Customer that the driver actually traveled | Number (Decimal) | m (Meter) | 90000.4 | |
Trip hours | The time duration in which the delivery trip was performed | Time (hh:mm:ss) | - | 40:36:30 | |
Arrival check-in Date/Time | The specific Date and Time when the driver arrived at the Destination Customer location | Date/Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) | - | 2019-05-08 09:06:06 | |
Unloading start check-in Date/Time | The specific Date and Time the Unloading task started at the Destination Customer location | Date/Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) | - | 2019-05-08 09:06:06 | |
Signature Status | Specify whether customer has signed upon receiving deliverable or not | Text | - | Signed; Not yet | Signed |
Signature Sign-on date | The date on which the customer signed | Date (yyyy-mm-dd) | - | 2019-05-08 | |
Email Sending Status | Specify whether Delivery note email was sent or not | Text | - | Sent; Not yet | Sent |
Updated about 5 years ago