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Below are the information fields of all the reports in Abivin vRoute system

ST01 - Total orders by all drivers

  • This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information fieldDescriptionData typeUnitFor example
Driver CodeDriver codeText_txvnm1
Driver NameDriver nameText_Dinh Thai Son
Vehicle TypeVehicle typeText_bike
Re-delivered orderOrder dropped by the previous dayNumber_50
Net Re-delivered RevenueRevenue of the order are re-delivered by the previous day.NumberVND3000000
Number of OrdersNumber of ordersNumber_30
Net RevenueRevenue delivered before promotion as plannedNumberVND100000
Total Order Weight(kg)Total order weightNumberkg300
Total Order Volume(m3)Total order volumeNumberm310
Planned Revenue (đ)Revenue of orders list as plannedNumberVND200000
Planned Cost (đ)Cost delivered as plannedNumberVND12000
Planned Distance (km)Distance delivered as plannedNumberkm324
Planned Time (hours)Time delivered as plannedNumberHour3
Actual Revenue (đ)Revenue of orders list as actualNumberVND20000
Actual Cost (đ)Cost delivered as actualNumberVND10000
Actual Distance (km)Distance delivered as actualNumberkm23
Actual start timeStart time of driver as actualDate_13:00:00
Actual end timeEnd time of driver as actualDate_17:00:00
Total Actual Time (hours)Total actual time of the vehicle to deliver product.NumberHour2
VFR by volume (%)Vehicle filling rate by volumeNumber%50
VFR by weight (%)Vehicle filling rate by weightNumber%30
Fulfilled Orders (#)Fulfilled ordersNumber_
Net revenue deliveredRevenue delivered before promotion as actualNumberVND
Partically Fulfilled Orders (#)Partically fulfilled ordersNumber_
Unfulfilled Orders (#)Number of order not successfully deliveredNumber_
Not Yet Fulfilled Orders (#)Number of order not yet fulfilled.Number_
Number of off-200m check-inThe number of check-in is 200m from the storeNumber_

ST02 - KPI Scoreboard

Information fieldDescriptionData typeUnitPossible ValuesExample
No.Numerical OrderNumber--1
Delivery DateOrder delivery dateDate
VFR by Trips (%)The average vehicle fill rate (by volume) of all tripsNumberpercentage (%)-32.59
Truck Utilization (%)The ratio of the number of trucks used over the Total Vehicle of all trucksNumberpercentage (%)-9.09
Service Level (%)The ratio of the number of delivered orders over the number of planned orders of all driversNumberpercentage (%)-33.33
Driver Adoption (%)The ratio of the number of drivers who have used Abivin App over the total number of driversNumberpercentage (%)-9.09
Compliance Driver (%)The ratio of Executed Tasks over Planned tasks of all driversNumberpercentage (%)-42.86
Delivery GPS ComplianceThe ratio of the number of correctly submitted Check-in tasks (In the distance of 200 meters from the customer location) over the total Number of Check-in tasks submitted by all driversNumberpercentage (%)-52.7
Planned Distance (km)The total planned distance of all vehiclesNumberkilometer (km)-122.89
Actual Distance (km)The total actual distance traveled by all vehiclesNumberkilometer (km)-101.1
Kilometer Actual (Ratio)The ratio of Actual Distance over Planned Distance of all vehiclesNumberpercentage (%)-34.3

ST03 - Orders by a single drivers

  • This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information fieldDescriptionData typeUnitFor example
Order created DateOrder delivery dateDate_2018-12-20
Driver CodeDriver CodeText_dinhthaiha
Driver NameDriver NameText_dinh thai son
Customer CodeCustomer CodeText_HBC-QN04
Customer NameCustomer NameText_chị Hạnh
Customer AddressCustomer AddressText_doc ngu, ba dinh, ha noi
Order codeOrder codeText_DH021
Salesman CodeCode of salespersonText_NV0014
Order statusStatus of orderText_Open
Planned Total revenueTotal revenue of the order as plannedNumberVND10000
Actual Total RevenueTotal Revenue of the order as actualNumberVND10000
Fulfilled StatusDelivery status of the orderText_Fulfillment
Unfulfilled ReasonReason of the order is not delivered successfullyText_Huy don
Total Service CostTotal Service CostNumberVND10000
Customer LatitudeLatitude of customerNumberLatitude16.948474747
Customer LongitudeLongitude of customerNumberLongitude96.09383733
Check-in LatitudeLatitude of the user checking in locationNumberLatitude16.9948474
Check-in Longlongitude of the user checking in locationNumberLongitude96.98373366
Distance Difference (km)The distance between the check in location and the storeNumber_2
Planned IndexOrder delivery according to plan.Number_3
Actual IndexOrder delivery according to actualNumber_5

ST04 - Routes by a single driver

  • This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information fieldDescriptionData typeUnitFor example
Driver codeDriver codeText_dinhthaison
Driver nameDriver nameText_Dinh thai son
Planned DistanceDistance to plan deliveryNumberkm50
Actual DistanceDistance to actual deliveryNumberkm50
Number of OrdersNumber of OrdersNumber_100
Fulfilled OrdersDelivery status of the orderNumber_100
Perfect order ratesuccessful delivery rateNumber%100
Total Order WeightTotal Order WeightNumberkg30
Total Order VolumeTotal Order VolumeNumberm31
Number of Off-200mThe number of check-in is 200m from the storeNumber_10
VRF by volumeVehicle filling rate by volumeNumber%50
VRF by weightVehicle filling rate by weightNumber%70

ST05 - Inventory by products

  • This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information fieldDescriptionData typeUnitFor example
No.Numerical orderNumber1
Organization NameOrganization NameTextQN-Kho habeco
Product CodeProduct CodeTextP001
Product NameProduct NameTextDowny em be 20ml
Product UnitProduct UnitTextChai
Inventory BeginNumber of product in warehouse of the first day in date range selects to export the report.Number100
Inventory PurchaseTotal product in Purchase order(only purchase order whose status is put away) and warehouse card (+)Number100
Inventory SaleTotal product in Sales order(only sales order whose status is shipped) and warehouse card (-)Number100
Inventory EndNumber of product in warehouse of the last day in date range selects to export the report.Number100

ST06 - Orders and Products by a single driver

  • This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information fieldDescriptionData TypeUnitFor example
Delivery DateDelivery order dateDate2018-03-16
Due DateDue date of delivery orderDate2018-03-16
Order CodeOrder CodeTextO021
Driver CodeDriver CodeTextDH021
Driver NameDriver NameTextdinhthaison
Customer codeCustomer codeTextHBC_QN04
Customer NameCustomer NameTextLe Hang
Product codeProduct codeTextP003
Product nameProduct nameTextDowny hoa 20ml
Product weightProduct weightNumber1
Product volumeProduct volumeNumber0.5
Case priceCase priceNumber10000
Item priceItem priceNumber100
Planned items deliveredItems delivered as plannedNumber12
Actual items deliveredItems delivered as actualNumber12
Planned cases deliveredCases delivered as plannedNumber100
Actual cases deliveredCases delivered as actualNumber50
Order fulfillment statusStatus of orderTextFulfillment

ST07 - Customers and Orders by date and by a single driver

  • This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information fieldDescriptionData TypeUnitFor example
Customer codeCustomer codeText_HBC_QN04
Customer nameCustomer nameText_QN_Kho HBC
Customer addressCustomer addressText_Doc ngu, ba dinh, ha noi
Organization codeOrganization code of customerText_kho001
Number of ordersNumber of ordersNumber_100
Total planned revenueTotal revenue of orders as planned.NumberVND10000
Total actual revenueTotal revenue of orders as actual.NumberVND10000
Total number of visitsTotal number visits store of driver.Number_10

ST08 - Trip utilization by vehicles

  • This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information fieldDescriptionData typeUnitFor example
Vehicle codeVehicle codeText_3Q-3682
License plateLicense plateText_3Q-3682
Number of tripNumber of vehicle tripNumber_2
Vehicle weight capacityCapacity of vehicle weightNumberkg1000
Vehicle volume capacityCapacity of vehicle volumeNumberm312
Planned total weightTotal weight of product in vehicle as plannedNumberkg100
Planned total volumeTotal volume of product in vehicle as plannedNumberm31
Weight ultilizationWeight ultilization of vehilce( Weight ultilization = weight vehicle/weight of the order)Number%15
Volume ultilizationVolume ultilization of vehicle ( volume ultilization = volume vehicle/volume of the order)Number%20

ST09 - Total orders by all vehices

  • This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information fieldDescriptionData typeUnitFor example
Vehicle codeVehicle codeText_3Q-3682
License plateLicense plateText_3Q-3682
Number of ordersOrder number of vehicleNumber_2
Total order weightTotal order weight of vehicleNumberkg1333
Total order volumeTotal order volume of vehicleNumberm312
Fulfilled ordersTotal orders successfully deliveredNumber_111
Partially fulfilled ordersTotal orders are partially deliveredNumber_1
Unfulfilled ordersTotal orders are not deliveredNumber_14
Not yet fulfilled ordersTotal orders have not been deliveredNumber_21

ST10 - Total routes by all vehicles

  • This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information fieldDescriptionData typeUnitFor example
Vehicle codeVehicle codeText_3Q-3682
License plateLicense plateText_3Q-3682
Planned distanceDistance vehicle delivered as plannedNumberkm2
Planned travelling timeTravelling time delivered as plannedNumberhours100
Actual distanceDistance vehicle delivered as actualNumberkm12
Actual travelling timeTravelling time delivered of vehicleNumberhours111
Actual average speed (km/h)Actual average speed = Actual distance / Actual travelling timeNumberkm/h1
Number of Off-200mThe number of check-in is 200m from the storeNumber-12
VFR by tripsVFR by trips according to the weight or volume.Number%21

ST11 - Route by a single vehicle

  • This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information fieldDescriptionData typeUnitFor example
DateDate deliveredDate_2018-20-2
Vehicle codeVehicle codeText_3Q-3682
License plateLicense plateText_3Q-3682
Planned distance (km)Distance vehicle delivered as plannedNumber_133
Planned travelling time (hours)Travelling time delivered as plannedNumberhours4
Actual distane (km)Distance vehicle delivered as actualNumberkm16
Actual travelling time (hours)Travelling time delivered of vehicleNumberhours100
Actual average speed (km/h)Actual average speed = Actual distance / Actual travelling timeNumberkm/h20
Number of Off-200mThe number of check-in is 200m from the storeNumber_12
VFR by Trips(%)VFR by trips according to the weight or volume.Number%50

ST12 - Order status

  • This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information fieldDescriptionData typeUnitFor example
Customer codeCustomer codeText_1555
Customer nameCustomer nameText_Nguyen van A
DateDate deliveredDate_2018-08-20
Vehicle codeVehicle codeText_3W-2847
Driver codeDriver codeText_mdriver003
Order weightOrder weightNumber_412
Order volumeOrder volumeNumber_2
Delivery statusDelivery status of the orderText_Fulfillment
Delivery time windowDelivery time window of the orderNumber_7:00-10:30
Actual delivery timeActual delivery time of the orderDate time_2017-04-09 8:12:20
On Time(Yes/No)Delivery time is on time or notText_Yes

ST13 - Balance sheet by single driver

  • This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information fieldDescriptionData typeUnitFor example
Order created dateDelivery orderDate_
Driver codeDriver codeText_
Driver nameDriver nameText_
Customer codeCustomer codeText_
Customer nameCustomer nameText_
Order codeOrder codeText_
Salesman CodeSalesman CodeText_
Planned total revenueTotal revenue of the order as plannedNumberVND
Actual total revenueTotal Revenue of the order as actualNumberVND
Fulfillment statusDelivery status of the orderText_
Order unfulfilled reasonReason of the order is not delivered successfullyText_

ST14 - Delivery Statistics

  • This report is designed specifically for orders of VRP model
Information fieldDescriptionData typeUnitExample
No.Numerical orderNumber_
Salemans codeSalemans codeText_
Order codeOrder codeText_
Planned total revenueTotal revenue of the order as plannedNumberVND
Customer codeCustomer codeText_
Customer nameCustomer nameText_
Driver codeDriver codeText_
Driver nameDriver nameText_

ST15 - Products and Tasks by PDP Orders

  • This report is designed specifically for orders of PDP model
Information fieldDescriptionData typeUnitPossible ValuesExample
Order CodeCode of the orderString
Order DateExecution date of the orderDate
Driver NameName of the driverText-John Doe
Truck Plate No.License plate number of the delivery truckString-31K3-5152
Truck TypeType of the delivery truckString-Twelve wheels truck
Origin Customer NameName of the Origin CustomerString-John Doe company
Origin Customer AddressAddress of the Origin CustomerString-1st road, valley A, city B, country C
Destination Customer NameName of the Destination CustomerString-John Doe company
Destination Customer AddressAddress of the Destination CustomerString-1st road, valley A, city B, country C
SKUSpecific name of the product in the orderString
((Product Code) Product Name)
-(Product_A_Code) Product A Name
QuantityQuantity of the products in the orderNumber-100
Quantity TypeSpecify the type of the product quantity in the orderString-Pallet; Case; ItemPallet
Check byName of the personnel who checked the orderString-John Doe
Fulfillment StatusFulfillment Status of the orderText-Fulfilled; Not Yet FulfillmentFulfilled
Distance Difference (m)Distance from the Origin Customer to the Destination Customer that the driver actually traveledNumber (Decimal)m (Meter)90000.4
Trip hoursThe time duration in which the delivery trip was performedTime
Arrival check-in Date/TimeThe specific Date and Time when the driver arrived at the Destination Customer locationDate/Time
(yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
-2019-05-08 09:06:06
Unloading start check-in Date/TimeThe specific Date and Time the Unloading task started at the Destination Customer locationDate/Time
(yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
-2019-05-08 09:06:06
Signature StatusSpecify whether customer has signed upon receiving deliverable or notText-Signed; Not yetSigned
Signature Sign-on dateThe date on which the customer signedDate
Email Sending StatusSpecify whether Delivery note email was sent or notText-Sent; Not yetSent