Manage Tasks

Locate Task List

  • The tasks are listed on Tasks > Tasks tab

Create Tasks

  • You have two methods to create tasks: Web form and Excel template

Create Tasks using Web form

  • Hover over the icon, then click Create. The Tasks action information screen will appear
  • Click on Customer field. Select the appropriate Customer from the dropdown list. You can also input the Customer Code/Full Name/Mobile Number attributes of the desired Customer into the search bar to filter faster
  • If the Customer of the task being created is totally new, not yet available in the database, you can create that Customer right on this screen by clicking on the blue plus icon then create the customer on the pop-out Contact Information form. On this form, you only need to input into the information fields that end with asterisks
  • Always leave the Assign Type field value as Users (In this model, each staff has different tasks, unlike Retail Operation Model)
  • Click on Assigned To field. On the search bar, select the staff to whom you want to assign the task being created. If the wanted staff is not present, you can input the Username/Full Name/Email/Phone Number attribute of that staff into the search bar to filter out that staff
  • Click on Actions field. Select the appropriate task from the dropdown list
  • After selecting the action, the Products and Serial fields will appear (The Serial field will not appear if the selected action is Lắp đặt because, with this action, the product is to be installed for the very first time so the product serial has not been retrieved yet)
  • Click on Product field. Select the appropriate product from the dropdown list. You can also input the Product Name/Product Code of the wanted product into the search bar to filter out faster
  • Click on Serial field. Select the appropriate serial of the selected product from the dropdown list
  • Click on the calendar icon of the Start Date field. Select the start of the date range during which the task can be performed. Similarly, click on the calendar icon of the End Date field. Select the start of the date range during which the task can be performed

Search & Filter Tasks

Filter Tasks

  • Click on the Filter icon on the top right corner of the task list (It looks similar to the wifi symbol ) to open the filter table
  • On the filter table, choose the appropriate attribute from the drop-down menu: Task Status; Completed Time; Created At; Start Date; Due Date; Customer; Assign To; Organizations; Actions
  • You could add more attributes to the filter by clicking the Add Filter button
  • After choosing the attributes, you need to specify the attribute value by which the tasks will be filtered, details below:
  • 1 - With date-type attributes (Completed Time; Created At; Start Date; Due Date), you need to click on the calendar icon , then select the appropriate date range from the drop-down calendars
  • 2 - With string-type attributes (Organization; Customer; Task Status; Assign To; Actions), you need to click on the caret down icon . A dropdown list will appear. On this list, tick the checkbox of the desired value. You could tick multiple checkboxes
  • Note that if an attribute has too many values, the dropdown list will only show several sample values. If the value you want to search is not present on the list, you could enter certain information related to that value into the search bar to filter faster. Below is the list of searchable information for each attribute

Appendix: Searchable Information by Attribute

Task AttributeSearchable Information
CustomerCustomer Code
Full Name
Mobile Number
Home Number
Street Address
Serial Number
Assign ToUsername
Phone Number
Full Name
OrganizationsOrganization Code
Organization Name
ActionAction Code
Action Name
  • To add another filter to the tasks, click on Add Filter and repeat the same steps above
  • If you accidentally added an unwanted filter, click the respective remove icon at the end of the filter
  • After you have created the filters, click Apply to save the information
  • The task list will automatically refresh and display the tasks that meet your filters