October 06, 2020 - Release Notes

New features & Improvements


  • ANNOUNCEMENT Thai and Chinese are now officially supported on our Web app, which brings the total supported languages of Abivin vRoute to a whopping seven! 💯 😍 👆

VRP/DC Model

  • NEW FEATURE Vehicle single Order capacity constraint. Besides the maximum total weight and volume capacity, you can also set up the maximum weight and volume of a single Order that a vehicle can carry. Read more in the following article: Vehicle Capacity Constraint
  • NEW FEATURE Vehicle prioritization by weight/volume capacity. You can now flexibly set up how the system should prioritize vehicles during the Route Plan Optimization process by their weight and volume capacity attributes. Read more in the following article: Vehicle Priority by Weight/Volume Capacity
  • ANNOUNCEMENT Switch Packing List and Picking List. The file once was called Packing List will be called Picking List and vice versa. Furthermore, we have added some new information fields to these lists
  • IMPROVEMENT Add the sub-configuration Use Inactive vehicles for comparison to the Split Delivery routing algorithm. With this sub-configuration, the system will also take into account the inactive vehicles into when splitting over-capacity Orders
  • ANNOUNCEMENT Remove several information fields (Vehicle Type; Bike Only; Truck Only; Open Time; Close Time; Time Window; Min Time; Max Time) from Customers pulled from the external ERP system. This change is applied to all Branches of certain User accounts

Bug fixes

VRP - Transporters to Create Routes Model

  • Fix the bug in which the system does not display the Unplanned Orders on the Route Map
  • Fix the bug in which certain attributes of the Orders can still be edited even after the Order Status have been updated to Picked and Packed