November 29, 2019 - Deployment Notes
about 5 years ago by ian luu
New features & Improvements
- Deployed the function to manage products and manage Sales orders of VRP - Out-Out Model based on product lot number
- Added the attribute Single Way Code to each way of the the Sales order of VRP - Out-Out Model
- The Product import Excel template (Of all models) and Sales orders import Excel template (VRP - Out-Out Model) have been updated, namely:
- Product import template: The old template Import_Inventory_Template.xlsx has been replaced with the new template Import_Product_Template.xlsx. Added a new information field Tracking By (Optional, not required information field); changed the information field Quantity to On-hand Quantity
- Sales order import template (Of VRP Out-Out Model): The template Import_Order_Template.xlsx has been added three new information fields: Single Way Code; SLA Target Date; Item Index and discarded two information fields: Lot Number; Expired Date
- All clients need to download and use the updated Excel templates and discard the old templates