November 14, 2019 - Deployment Notes

New features & Improvements

PDP model

  • Deployed the function to sort orders by a particular parameter: Order Code; Order Type; Weight; Volume; Start Date; Due Date in ascending or descending sequence
  • Deployed the function to sort Transport services (By Products and Transporters) by a particular parameter: Service Code; Start Date; End Date; Unit; Service Price in ascending or descending sequence
  • Deployed the feature to display tooltips of Transporter names on the Optimization Result screen on mouse hover, for easier viewing during the optimization process
  • Deployed the function to allow searching for Branch during the route optimization process using random partial of the Organization name, instead of having to input exactly from the first character

Before: Must input from the first character


Now: Able to input random partial of the Organization name

VRP model

  • Deployed the function to add multiple time windows for Orders


  • Deployed a feature to automatically add thousands separators (Using comma symbol) and decimal separators (Using dot symbol) to values which are numbers (Transport service rates; Order price; Product quantity etc.)
  • Note that you can input maximum two digits after the decimal point

Bug fixes

VRP model

  • Fixed a bug in which the SKU inventory quantity doesn't increase after Purchase orders have been performed