July 28, 2020 - Release Notes
over 4 years ago by ian luu
New features & Improvements
- NEW FEATURE We have added the Export function for Organizations
- In order to use this function, make sure to enable the function Export for the module Organizations of the User group in which your account belongs
VRP - Transporters to Create Routes Model
- IMPROVEMENT During the Product quantity splitting by Product lot process, the values Production Start Date and Production Finish Date of the Product Lot must be earlier than or equal to the Invoice Date. If this condition is violated, there will be a warning message
- IMPROVEMENT When the Transporter administrator account changes the Order Date of an Order, they must state the specific reason in the field Note. The reason will also be present when exporting Order to Excel template
- If the task is not completed or the field Note is empty, there will be a notification informing the user about this.
PDP - Manufacturers to Select Transporters Model
- IMPROVEMENT Users can now input negative Charge Prices (Applied to both Web form and Excel template)
- CHANGE Change the Email server for certain User accounts