January 12, 2021 - Release Notes

New Features & Improvements


  • IMPROVEMENT Allow searching when filtering Customers by Province/City and Customer Group on Partners > Customers tab. Now, when users want to filter Customers by Province/City and Customer Group, there will be a search bar to help users quickly input the wanted Province/City and Customer Group

Retail Operation Model

CRM Model

  • IMPROVEMENT Auto-select Products. When Users create a new task and select the Lắp đặt Action, all Child Products of the Parent Product will be auto-selected by default.
  • There is a new custom search bar that enables you to search for City/Province of the Customers or Customer Groups. You can type the name of the city or the province's name in this custom bar, and the system will sort out all customers/customer groups residing in that city or province.
  • IMPROVEMENT The Web app will automatically update the task status to Reject if the Mobile Users input in the Ghi chú không hoàn thành tác vụ and/or the Lý do bạn không thể hoàn thành Tác vụ field and submit the task. The input information will appear on the Result field of the task on the Web App
  • If the Web Users enter information in the field Add result comment of the task on the Web App, the information will also be auto-updated on the Mobile App in the field Result

Bug Fixes

VRP/DC Model

  • Fix the bug in which the delivery tasks didn't appear on the Mobile app of the driver
  • Fix the bug in which the users couldn't remove an Order from the Order list

PDP - Shipper Plan for Carrier Model

  • Fix the bug in which the system returns incorrect Transport service fee during the Route Plan optimization process