January 05, 2021 - Release Notes
about 4 years ago by ian luu
New Features & Improvements
Intermodal Container Transport – Sea Model
- ANNOUNCEMENT Deploy various new dashboard rules, including:
- 1 - Combine Barge Plan Internal and External into one single dashboard
- 2 - The dashboard will generate information based on Pick & Drop Stops instead of Dummy & Actual Shipments
- 3 - Don't display barges that have been set to Inactive status on the dashboard
- 4 - Apply new rules to the ATA and Waiting Time
- 5 - After the barge captain has submitted the Out Port task at the last Pick Stop of a Shipment, the following Stops of that Shipment will switch to In Transit status
Retail Operation Model
- IMPROVEMENT The Web app will automatically update the task status to Reject if the Mobile Users input in the Ghi chú không hoàn thành tác vụ and/or the Lý do bạn không thể hoàn thành Tác vụ field and submit the task. The input information will appear on the Result field of the task on the Web App
- If the Web Users enter information in the field Add result comment of the task on the Web App, the information will also be auto-updated on the Mobile App in the field Result
Bug Fixes
VRP - Carrier Plan for Shipper Model
- Fix the bug in which the users was still able to edit a Sales Order's Invoice Code and Product Lot Number information even after the Sales Order's Fulfillment Status is updated to Shipped