Jan 04, 2023 - Release Note
about 2 years ago by Minh Do
** Import Inventory
- When importing Inventory, remove the required Parent Product Code column.
- If the parent product code is empty, the column automatically assigns the parent value with the product value.
- Also, this is not a required field in the template.

Bug Fixes
- Unable to export order list.
- Edit Style button for sync in Client Edit Mode.
- Order list, packing, and picking errors in the close route model.
- Import product selects all org but can't create orders in some repositories.
- When Creating/Updating an Organization, Enter the Org Name field marked with '&', when saving it will become '&'.
- An intersection divided into two stops for one vehicle.
- ABV gets an ATNWHUB signal for a long time.
- Show error message after syncing to TMS.