August 01, 2019 - New vehicle information fields
over 5 years ago by ian luu
- We have added some information fields for vehicles, which allow the dispatchers to manage vehicles more easily on Abivin vRoute web app
These information fields are optional. When creating vehicles, the dispatchers can leave these fields blank if data is not available
Vehicle Identification Number
- Definition: The unique identification code of the vehicle
- Input rule:
- Maximum 17 characters
- Letters and numbers, except for letters I (i), O (o), and Q (q) will be inputtable (These three letters can cause confusion with 1 and 0). Special characters and spaces will also not be inputtable
Vehicle Engine Number
- Definition: The number printed on the engine of the vehicle
- Input rule:
- Maximum 15 characters
- Letters and numbers are inputtable. Special characters (Not letters and numbers) and spaces will not be inputtable
Vehicle Internal Code
- Definition: A code assigned by the management organization and can be printed out and sticked onto the vehicles. This code is similar to the Vehicle code in Abivin vRoute system, but is used by the organization for external management
- Input rule:
- Maximum 15 characters
- Spaces will not be inputtable
- All letters, numbers and special characters will be inputtable. Spaces will not be inputtable
Vehicle Description
- Definition: A short description for the vehicle
- Input rule:
- Maximum 255 characters
- All letters, numbers, special characters and spaces will be inputtable